Outside Fun!

Outside Fun!
" What do you see"?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Kindergarten September News

Unit of Inquiry- ‘All About Me’

Kindergarten is busy learning the parts of our body and discovering what we like/dislike. We are also learning about how we are the same and different compared to our friends. You can see how and why by looking and reading our various picture graphs in our room.

Language Arts

We have started using the LIVELY LETTERS method of learning sounds and letters. This program introduces sounds in groups according to a specific order. We will be concentrating on the sounds (/b/, /p/- /t/, /d/ and vowel /a/.). Each sound has a specific action, story and character and the program encourages children to learn the sounds through listening, movement, song and story. Sounds are grouped according to their oral properties/ partners sounds. Partner sounds are produced the same in the mouth; however one sound is (voiced ‘loud’ and the other is unvoiced ‘soft’). This helps children quickly identify the slight differences in sound/letter relationships.

Our first sound was /b/. Ask your child if they know the story that helps us remember that sound. Hint: Crying baby...is it a soft or loud sound?

We've also been studying the sound /a/. The action to help us remember /a/
“eating an aaaaaaaaaaaaapple.”

Alphabet books: My Bb Book, My Pp Book, My Aa Book We have started our big classroom ABC dictionary it looks great!

Home Work Bag- Please return copies of sight word books every day. On Fridays all sight word books will be sent home. Letter books go home at the end of the week with an award.


We have been concentrating on counting, recognizing and writing numbers. We have also practiced simple patterns using colors and shapes and sorting objects that are alike and different. Kindergarten students are becoming experts at "calendar math" which includes knowing months, days of the week, and terms like today, tomorrow and yesterday.

General Assessment
· Counting
· Recognition of numerals( 1-10)
· Ordering numerals
· One to one correspondence

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